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How to Charge LiFePO4 Battery Properly and Safely

Charging devices are selected to match the battery’s capacity that is being charged. This is because the current used when charging lithium batteries is based on the capacity rating of the battery. It is crucial to have clear know-how of the features of LiFePO4 batteries. LiFePO4 batteries come with a packed leaflet with charging instructions. It is important to go through these instructions carefully failure to which you might end up causing damage to your batteries by charging them wrongly. Below we have clearly explained how to charge your battery safely in detail.

How to charge the battery properly and safely

The question that many people ask is how they can charge their LiFePO4 battery effectively and safely. The most recommended way to charge your battery is through the use of a LiFePO4 battery charger, it is advisable for you not to use a charger destined for other lithium-ion chemistries because these chargers are manufactured with an advanced voltage than what is required by LiFePO4. It is also important to note that a lead-acid battery charger can charge lithium iron phosphate since its voltage setting is within the standard limits of LiFePO4 batteries.

Below are some key areas to put focus on when deciding on how to charge LiFePO4 batteries.

Charge review

Some of the questions you should ask yourself when it comes to the charging of a LiFePO4 battery are; is there a distinct way to charge a LiFePO4 battery? Are there side effects for not charging the LiFePO4 battery the way it is supposed to? It is always advisable to charge the LiFePO4 battery after every use, particularly if it has reached eighty percent and below. When purchasing a LiFePO4 battery, it comes with an advanced Battery Management System (BMS), which helps it to automatically disconnect from the power if the battery voltage falls below ten volts.

The major thing to consider is whether the charger terminal connectors and cables are clean and free from any contamination to ensure good connectivity and maximum power conduction before charging lifeP04. Also, it is advisable to always check carefully if cables are well coated to avoid accidents. Suppose you happen to fail to follow the rules as mentioned earlier and conditions for charging your LiFePO4 battery. In that case, you will probably culminate in not receiving the maximum power you are looking for. Lithium batteries can be charged with a speed of 1c. Charging a LiFePO4 battery using a normal charger is not recommended since a lead-acid charger is made of automatic equalization mode, which cannot be turned off permanently.

Charging temperature

LiFePO4 batteries are charged between zero degrees to forty-five degrees for best and safe charging. The advantage is that they don’t require temperature reparation for voltage when charging at a hot or icy temperature because LiFePO4 batteries have an inbuilt Battery Management System (BMS) that keeps it off from low and high temperatures. Most of the applications charge for three to ten hours, which can be too long for a LiFePO4 battery. A solution to have a fast-charging device is to use DOKATA lithium batteries which are comfortably charged for only one hour at a rate of 1C and a charging speed of more than 0.3c or less.

Guidelines on how to charge LiFePO4 battery

If you had connected the LiFePO4 battery and want to use it before it is not fully charged, it is not a must for you to put it back to the charger or to charge it after every use since even when left at halfway of charge; the battery doesn’t get damaged. Recharge of LiFePO4 is encouraged when the battery is used up to eighty percent or after every use.

When charging the whole system, it is advisable to use a twenty-four-voltage battery charger. It is also recommendable to check if the battery range between fifty mv (O.O5 voltage) before charging it. LiFePO4 batteries are charged individually and simultaneously to minimize the imbalance between the batteries. To charge the battery a hundred percent, use a 48V LiFePO4 charger especially for a 48 voltage battery. Other alternative ways which are very comfortable in charging LiFePO4 batteries are, charge with solar panels which you can charge using charging equipment of any type but it must range between fourteen voltages to fourteen six.

Current setting and voltage during charging

The LiFePO4 batteries come in various voltages, ranging from 12v, 24v, 36v, and 48v. By using the right charger, you will get the required current and voltage for the battery being charged. If any question arises about the capability of the charger, it’s good to refer to the manual or contact the dealer for more information. LiFePO4 battery, when fully charged, measures 14.6 volts, but when you remove the charger, the voltage drops to about 13.4 volts. It is worth noting that these ranges of batteries will only be damaged if the charging voltage used is higher than the overall charge voltage of the LiFePO4 battery.

12V LiFePO4 batteries

The most ideal way of charging a 12V LiFePO4 battery is by using a lithium iron phosphate battery charger even though most lead-acid battery chargers will also do a fine job. The former is recommended since it is programmed in a way that it has the appropriate voltage limits. A 24v charger can never and should never be used to charge a 12v battery. The full charge for 12v battery should be around 14.6. It’s good to note that the battery might sustain damages when the charging voltage applied on this type is high.

12V LiFePO4 Battery Voltage Chart

24V LiFePO4 batteries

A 24v lithium-ion battery is assembled with a battery fortification system that allows them to be charged with a compatible charger model Futon lithium battery charger. A model of 8A lithium / LFP / LiFePO4 charger will comfortably charge all lithium batteries at a rate of eight amps.

24V LiFePO4 Battery Voltage Chart

36V LiFePO4 batteries

When charging the 36v lithium battery, you are advised to use a LiFePO4 compatible charge. An example of this includes lead-acid batteries which can work well though they pose a danger to the battery by reducing its performance and life expectancy.

36V LiFePO4 Battery Voltage Chart

48V LiFePO4 batteries

In many high-voltage batteries, 48V battery is the most widely used, 48v LiFePO4 batteries have benefits of small dimension, light mass, high-temperature adaptability, excellent charging and discharging efficiency, good wellbeing and strength, long-lasting service life, power-saving, and environmental safety.

48V LiFePO4 Battery Voltage Chart

In summary, this is a list indicating the voltage requirements for each system voltage and charging parameters:

System Charging Parameters


The table above relates to cc and cc-cv. When you study it, you will know the voltage of your charger is lower than that on the table. Again note that your batteries are secure though they will not be charged to a hundred percent, and the LiFePO4 battery full rated volume will not be fully provided. Also, when you study the table, you note that the voltages of your LiFePO4 batteries are much higher. It is wise for you to instantly reconnect the batteries, replace your charger, and use good quality of lifeop4 charger.

Some of the signs that can indicate that your LiFePO4 battery is faulty include:

Low battery voltage, high self-discharging rate, overheating of the battery, bloated battery, reduced battery capacity.

Can an MPPT charge a LiFePO4 battery?

LiFePO4 battery can be charged with standard solar panels. To suitably use a solar panel to charge LiFePO4 batteries, a charge controller should be part of the setup system because it enhances efficiency when charging.

It is important to ensure that the charge controller charges efficiently. The work of charge controllers is to control the quantity of current going to the battery thus, it also helps to prevent the LiFePO4 battery from overcharging and to certify that the battery charge as it should be without causing any damages. Charge controllers come in two different types: Pulse width modulation controller (PWMC) and Maximum Power Point Tracking controllers (MPPT). Pulse width modulation controller (PWMC) is less expensive and ineffective than Maximum Power Point Tracking controllers (MPPT). Therefore, it is commended that one get a Maximum Power Point Tracking controller since it is more effective in terms of charging.

Are LiFePO4 batteries safe?

You must be asking yourself how safe LiFePO4 batteries are. From diverse research, it’s proven that it is safe chemistry and the most stable lithium-type battery on the market. Futon Energy is UL 1642 licensed, meaning it has been tested for power, short-circuit anomalous charging, crush, shock, vibration, heating system, pressure, and temperature cycling. LiFePO4 batteries also come with an inbuilt Battery Management System whose purpose is to protect the battery from low temperature during charge and discharge, under-voltage during discharge, short circuit protection to protect battery cells from damage, over-voltage during charge or regent situations, over current during discharge, high temperature during charge and discharge, single-cell equalization and harmonizing. In case you have a lead-acid or a LiFePO4 charger and you intend to make sure it’s well-suited, contact any of our battery experts on our page. Our experts will have a look at your charger’s user manual and check the voltage parameters.

How to care for your LiFePO4 battery?

LiFePO4 battery can last for ten years or more if well taken care of. Listed below are tips for you to ensure you get the best and longest service from your battery. Always avoid overcharging a cell, ensure your terminals are clean before installation, charge your cell frequently in order to avoid very deep charges, also note when you experience a swollen cell it does not mean your battery is damaged; it takes place if the cell is being overcharged or over-discharged. Overcharging is mostly a result of defective or unsuccessful battery protection systems, poor installation of the battery defense system, and lack of appropriate battery protection systems.

Overcharging; Automatically makes the LiFePO4 batteries swell, it is therefore recommended to always avoid overcharging. It is normally advisable to charge LiFePO4 batteries at a maximum of four-point two volts per cell but it can also be charged to 3.5 to 3.6 per cell. Overcharging sometimes can be caused by not using the correct battery, poor connection between the batteries and batteries which are infected.

Check terminals– LiFePO4 batteries are normally open to dust dirt and other impurities. So it is logical to use a brush made of wire to carefully clean the terminals.

Correct usage of both terminals– when all terminals are installed, check to see that all terminals and bolts are well fitted because when they are loose they bring the maximum conflict to the connections.

In conclusion, for your LiFePO4 battery to last long, you are required to follow the laid guidelines on how the LiFePO4 battery should be charged, ensure you add a controller in the charging setup for efficiency, and avoid any kind of damage to the LiFePO4 battery.

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